Psi Chi Board Members

President- Hannah Hlavacek

Hannah Hlavacek is the current sitting president of Lynn University’s chapter of the Psi Chi International Honors Society in Psychology. She is a senior set to graduate in the Spring with a BS in Psychology and minor in Biology. She will be completing her Masters degree in Chicago in the upcoming years. Hannah eventually wants to pursue a PhD in Neuropsychology and aid individuals in their recovery from brain related-injuries. She has a peaked interest in research as she has piloted her own study examining player behaviors in the popular video game “Fortnite Battle Royal” and is currently working with faculty at Lynn examining effects of meditation on test taking using Muse Headbands. Hannah has also completed the Peer Educator Internship here on Lynn’s campus becoming proficient in crisis intervention and education on substance abuse. She received her training certificate in ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) with the Child Center for Counseling. Hannah loves to promote service opportunities and academic scholarship here on campus.

Vice President – Caroline Saari

Caroline Saari is from Jupiter, Florida and is interested in becoming a forensic psychologist. She hopes to someday work at the FBI by studying the criminal mind and trying to figure out why individuals commit heinous crimes. Her favorite psychology class has been developmental psychology. Outside of the classroom, she enjoys reading, attending concerts, and hanging out with her friends. ​

Secretary – Sarina Adoni

Sarina Adoni is from Marlboro New Jersey and has the current aspiration of one day becoming a social worker and earning her masters degree at FAU. Having her mother as a school psychologist truly inspired her career path throughout the past few years. She feels so incredibly lucky to have amazing support systems through her friends and family that have kept her out of my comfort zone to continue to pursue her career to its fullest. Currently, her favorite psychology class has been Orientation of the study of Psychology with Dr. Pauletti. This course has truly solidified her career choice and has opened up so many doors for her and her happiness. She couldn’t be happier with her outcomes from this course and Dr. Pauletti’s influence on her as well. Sarina’s education here at Lynn, alongside another amazing and influential professor, Dr. Cooper, has had such a positive impact on her and her career and overall happiness and she couldn’t be thankful enough for all of the opportunities that have been presented to her by her dream school, Lynn University.

Treasurer – Emily Watts

Emily Watts is from Long Island,NY. She is interested in becoming a clinical psychologist. Her favorite class is abnormal psychology. She has a passion for working and helping individuals. Abnormal psychology helped further inform her on the causes and treatments for a variety of mental disorders. Outside of the classroom she spends most of her time interning at the nonprofit Alliance for Eating Disorders.

Program Coordinator – Cruz Molina

Cruz Molina is from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. She is interested in working with children who have special needs. Her favorite classes are Physiological Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Social Psychology, and Inclusive Education. She hopes to fight against stereotypes and stigmas, while at the same time breaking down walls that divide our world. She is a Wellness Educator on campus.

Social Media Advisor – Javier Figueroa

Javier Figueroa is from San Salvador, El Salvador. His favorite psychology class is Personality Theory and Physiological Psychology because he is interested in learning where people’s personality come from and why they develop in different ways. He hopes that in the future, he will get a job as an experimental psychologist or a job that at least dedicates itself to helping individuals. During his spare time he likes to hangout with his friends, take pictures and walk around.

Webmaster – Monique Mahabir

Monique Mahabir runs the blog for Lynn Psi Chi. She is a senior in the 3.0 Psychology program. During her time at Lynn, she had the opportunity to present with colleagues at FURC with the research question “What Factors Influence College Student’s Academic Achievement?” and worked to create a diversity and inclusion survey for a company in an I/O-based internship. She is currently interested in counseling psychology.

Junior Liaison – Harrison Albert

Harrison Albert is a 2nd year student in the 3.0 Psychology program and qualified for the Dean’s list every semester he has attended Lynn University. He is currently a research assistant Lynn’s psychology faculty and interested in entering a career in either I/O Psychology or in researching PTSD and Cognition.

Lynn Psi Chi Advisors

Dr. Patrick Cooper

Dr. Robert Riedel

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